Category Archives: Nothing to wear

A Post in Which I Discuss My Breasts

The mighty Isis Isis Isis

Not my breasts

I don’t want to whine about this Internets. I really don’t but to be honest, I do wish the girls were different. I could say that about a hundred other things in my life and the least of which would be my cup size but I have to be honest. I’ve been working on this post for a while now. You would think that I’d have a lot to say on this subject but I’m finding it extremely difficult to get through. I’ve been wanting to write something after reading this. The article also inspired me to buy. Bra shopping has always been my least favorite kind. It is not only difficult to find ones in my size 32A but having them fit without big gaps on the sides or without the straps constantly falling down is another story. I had only two bras that I thought fit well but both were probably over 20 years old. I always chuckle at those fashion makeover shows where they take the makeover-ee for a bra fitting. Once the woman is properly fitted with a $200 bra she goes from training bra to c-cups in one commercial break. I laugh because I don’t think that would ever happen to me. After reading the NYT article I decided to try to find some better fitting bras myself. I started poring through the Journelle and Little Bra websites and made a few purchases. I have to say that I am extremely pleased with what I got. I spent more than have spent on bras in a long time but I think my girls are worth it. I actually have some cleavage now. It was definitely money well spent. Now if I could only find a bathing suit that doesn’t squash my chest into oblivion.

When I was a kid there was a store in town called The Shirting Gallery. They had hundreds of iron-on designs for t-shirts displayed floor to ceiling on the walls. My dad took me in there once and told me to pick out one I liked. I wanted to get a shirt that said, “Flat is Beautiful”. He absolutely refused and wouldn’t let me get that one. I liked the shirt. I had seen girls wearing “Black is Beautiful” shirts and I wanted to be as proud of my body as they were of their race. I don’t even know if I would have had the courage to wear it to school but I still wanted it. I think it embarrassed him and he just made me feel shameful in the end.

Mary Jane, Snail of Mystery and Other Updates

There’s been a lot going on around here lately so I thought I’d fill you in with some updates.

Snail porn

Our Mary Jane is not quite this sexy looking

We recently acquired a new member of the Roolalenska family – Mary Jane, Snail of Mystery. The snails are actually called Mystery Snails or Apple Snails but I prefer to think of her as a our own little Snail of Mystery. It makes me think of snails wearing dark glasses passing important documents in cafes. I picked her up while I was out grocery shopping the other day. I kind of liked walking around the store with her in her little bag of water in the top of the basket. She’s Goldie Dorothy’s new neighbor. I made sure to ask at the store if the snail and the goldfish were a good match and was told yes. I definitely don’t think I got the right information. Unfortunately Goldie is not exactly setting up the welcome wagon for her newest tank mate. Frankly, she’s quite the bully. I fear that she’s nipped the poor snail’s antennae off. Goldie likes the snail’s food (yummy algae wafers!) and when I put a couple of small pieces in the tank Goldie gets very excited. This morning she revved herself up and raced around the tank before acting like a battering ram on Mary Jane’s shell. I’m hoping that the snail doesn’t get so stressed out that she decides to stop living because I’m enjoying having her around. I like watching her “speed” around the walls of the tank.

Boy, my feminine christian attire look is really getting around. I was recently informed that Robes et Jupes – A Gallery on Flickr had added my photo to their collection.

She looks HOT! No, really kind of warm.I'm not sure how I feel about this one.

Pleats!Go Feminine Christian Attire!

Looking at some of the pictures I’m not sure if the person that created the Robes et Jupes gallery has as pure intentions as the feminine christian attire person. I’m also not sure if this is a bad thing. On a somewhat related note we saw a large group of Orthodox Jewish girls at Lake Minnewaska yesterday. They were all on mountain bikes riding the challenging trail around the lake. Even though they were on bikes in the dirt they still maintained the modesty rules in their dress. All of them wore tops with three quarter sleeves but all seemed to be made of thin high-tech fabric for keeping cool and skirts below the knee with either leggings or pants. I admired their punky yet prim attitude.

Once school ended we relaxed our TV rules here at Chez Lenska and I definitely think that it was a mistake. During the school year we limited Piper’s TV watching to after school on Friday, Saturday and Sunday only. When school ended she kind of jumped right back into the deep end of TV watching. To be fair she is at camp during the day until 4pm so it is not like she is watching 24/7 but I’ve definitely noticed the difference in her behavior. She’s been a lot whinier and seemingly unable to entertain herself without some kind of multi-media for company for any length of time. She plays games on the computer and on the Wii and they don’t seem to have the same effect on her that the TV does. She had no TV today at all after camp and I already see a great improvement. We’re going to have to manage the TV a lot better from now on. I for one prefer to watch the action in our fish tank.

Not really an update but I need to vent. I’m frustrated that I can’t figure out what I did with Piper’s bathing suits. She’s got at least two or maybe three perfectly good bathing suits from last summer. My mom gave her two new ones in the spring and I’m so glad that she did. I have looked every where but have not been able to find them. It’s like I have a mental block or something. I hope they turn up soon because I’m getting tired of having to constantly wash and dry the two bathing suits so she’s got something to swim in at camp. I get very annoyed with myself when I lose things in my own house . . . . . oh where oh where can they be??

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The Best of 2007: Mrs. Devil

Mrs. Devil

Originally uploaded by roolalenska

I’ve been working on a new video of our pictures from 2007. While there isn’t a lot to celebrate about that year there were a few bright moments. When I saw this picture again I was reminded of how much I loved this whole idea and outfit. Sadly I didn’t win the office contest with my Mrs. Devil get up. The winner dressed as a bag lady complete with blacked out teeth and freaked the receptionist out when she tried to come in the locked front door before the office was open to the public. Yep, I’m definitely still bitter.

In fact I’d like a redo on the entire year of 2007 please. To quote Heather Armstrong, “it sucked and then I cried”.

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Seen at the Pool

We went to the pool yesterday and I got to try out my new bathing suit bottom. I have a tankini top with a blue floral print that I don’t entirely hate but haven’t been able to find a nice bottom to go with it. I wasn’t completely sure about this Swim Mini when I ordered it here but once it arrived and I tried it on. It looks cute and gives good coverage. The ruffles cover and distract the eye from various shape issue spots. Mr. Awesome and Piper both liked it too so I felt I was ahead of the game.

I have only one teeny complaint to lodge – when one actually goes into the pool the ruched material fills with air and floats to the top of the water. Kind of like you’re wearing a bright blue inner tube around your waist! I was floating on my back and Mr. Awesome said it looked like I was pregnant. *Sigh* Not really the look I was going for. Of course I already removed the hygienic crotch strip so I can’t return it anymore. I don’t want to, I still like it. Just think, I can use it as a handy flotation device in a pinch.

Yoga Nude

This person is totally serious and I don’t mean to make fun but Yoga in the Nude? Really? It just brings up so many questions for me and many I usually try not to think about. In all fairness she doesn’t offer group classes which I think is probably best. It would be hard to find a good spot in the studio because usually I like to stay toward the back.

A Difficult Posture


Ozymandias Shoes II?

I just got these and I’m very excited. Maybe they can’t really be classified as true Ozymandias shoes because they are Crocs for goodness sakes but they are a close second. They’re pretty comfy and a great summer shoe alternative for someone like me who hates flip flops and doesn’t like the looks of my toes. Bottom line, they’re making me happy today and I need a little of that right now.

A Good Shoe Day Indeed

Look upon them all ye mighty and despair!

Today was a good shoe day. I’ve been feeling very stressed and low energy lately and I needed something to help boost myself up a little. What better way to do this than to wear your favorite pair of shoes? Please allow me to introduce you to my very favorite pair, my Ozymandias shoes. I was kind of hoping that one of my co-workers would notice them so that I could gush and share my little shoe story but no one did *SIGH*. I still felt stylish cute and light on my feet and I really needed that.

My Feminine Christian Attire

Back in 2007 I was a regular contributor to The Working Closet group on Flickr. I really enjoyed taking pictures of myself everyday and posting them to the group. It was fun to see what everyone thought of my outfit and to see what everyone else was wearing too. I only stopped because when I lost my brother I basically ran on fumes and had no energy or interest in anything for a while. The photos are still all there if you want to see them. Occasionally I will get an alert that someone has left a comment on them or something. A couple of weeks ago I got an email from an admin for the group Feminine Christian Attire asking me if they could add this picture to their group.

Really, how could I resist?

Feminine Christian Attire